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29 ноября 2023 г.

Итоги Осеннего сезона (Инфоурок)



Ребята - вы МОЛОДЦЫ!

30 октября 2023 г.


Олимпиада «ПРОФИ» –  уникальный конкурс, который позволяет не только получить объективную оценку уровня предметных компетенций, но и повысить квалификацию в инновационном формате.

НИУ ВШЭ – Пермь проводит олимпиаду уже 16 лет по заказу Министерства образования и науки Пермского края. За время существования конкурса в нем приняли участие более 80 тысяч педагогов – учителя, университетские преподаватели, преподаватели колледжей и техникумов, частных образовательных центров и репетиторы. 

«ПРОФИ» – это интерактивная площадка для общения и обмена опытом учителей-предметников!

13 сентября 2023 г.

Сентябрь, пора учёбы!

Вот и снова учимся! Я вновь посетила очередной вебинар "Проектно-исследовательская деятельность на учебных занятиях по английскому языку в системе СПО. Формирование функциональной грамотности."

Рассматриваемые вопросы:

  • Формирование функциональной грамотности в процессе обучения студентов СПО.
  • Проектная деятельность на учебных занятиях по английском языку.
  • Ресурсы издательства «Просвещение»: обновлённый алгоритм действий.

27 июня 2023 г.


Учиться, учиться и ещё раз учиться) как завещано дедушкой Лениным. 

Чему бы ты не учился, ты учишься для себя (Петроний). 

Сколько бы ты не жил, всю жизнь следует учиться (Сенека)

Учитесь так, словно вы постоянно ощущаете нехватку своих знаний, и так, словно вы постоянно боитесь растерять свои знания. (Конфуций)

Июнь - пора сдачи контрольных, зачётов, экзаменов. Вот и я тоже решила поучиться чему-то новому и интересному - стала активным участником различных вебинаров.

14 апреля 2023 г.

Подведение итогов Предметной недели

 ИТОГИ (дипломы)

Видео-презентация «About myself»

Заботин Сергей 13-ТОР

Бухина Валентина 12-ГД

Конкурс Чтецов на немецком языке

1 место – Горева Юлия

2 место – Вьюгова Анна

3 место – Бакуменко Александра

4 место – Шологон Дарья

5 место – Кондрина Дарья, Дивеева Ксения

6 место – Мышкина Александра

7 место – Сухомолова Дарья

Дистанционная викторина по английскому языку «Великобритания» (1 курс)

1 место – Перов Данила 11-ЛЛХ – 100 баллов

2 место – Солонцев Кирилл 11-ЛЛХ – 96 баллов

2 место – Румянцев Даниил 11-ЛЛХ - 96 баллов

3 место – Поздняков Сергей 13-ТОР – 88 баллов

3 место – Серёгин Артём 11-ЛЛХ – 88 баллов

Дистанционная викторина по английскому языку
«Театр» (21-ЛЛХ)

1 место – Колесов Алексей – 80 баллов

2 место – Клещ Ульяна – 75 баллов

3 место – Козлячкова Виктория – 65 баллов

Дистанционная викторина по английскому языку
«В отеле» (22-ГД, 32-ГД)

1 место – Шологон Дарья 32-ГД – 96 баллов

2 место – Мышкина Александра 32-ГД – 88 баллов

2 место – Смагина Виктория 32-ГД – 88 баллов

2 место – Скочилова Алёна 32-ГД – 88 баллов

2 место – Полуэктова Дарья 32-ГД – 88 баллов

2 место – Ермалович Александр 22-ГД - 88 баллов

3 место – Карпухина Полина 22-ГД – 84 балла

3 место – Гроздева Марина 22-ГД - 84 балла

3 место – Разина Жанна 22-ГД – 84 балла

Дистанционная викторина по английскому языку
«Олимпийские игры» (23-ТОР)

1 место – Люлин Евгений – 90 баллов

2 место – Балыбердин Кузьма - 80 баллов

2 место – Курочкин Владислав – 80 баллов

2 место – Мишулин Артемий – 80 баллов

2 место – Морковкин Егор – 80 баллов

2 место – Смирнов Роман – 80 баллов

3 место – Ватолин Владимир – 70 баллов

Дистанционная викторина по английскому языку
«Животный мир» (31-ЛЛХ)

1 место – Казарина Юлия – 100 баллов

1 место – Воробьёва Юлия – 100 баллов

1 место – Хайбуллов Ильяс - 100 баллов

2 место – Шульгин Андрей – 95 баллов

3 место – Сопегин Илья – 80 баллов

Дистанционная викторина по английскому языку
«Части машины» (33-ТОР)

1 место – Нагишин Даниил – 86 баллов

2 место – Сулоев Антон – 80 баллов

3 место – Оселедько Ярослав – 53 балла

12 апреля 2023 г.

Yuri Gagarin Biography

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was born on 9 March 1934 in a small village called Klushino which is about 190km from Moscow, Russia. His parents worked on a collective farm. The father was a carpenter and bricklayer and the mother was a milkmaid. Yuri had an old sister and two brothers.
When Yuri was sixteen years old, he became an apprentice foundryman at a steel plant near Moscow and took evening classes. Then he continued his studies at the industrial college at Saratov and concurrently took a course in flying. On completing this course, he entered the Soviet Air Force cadet school at Orenburg, from which he graduated in 1957.
In 1957 Yuri Gagarin married. He has two daughters.
On 12 April 1961, he did aboard Vostok 1. Following his historic flight, where he also became the first human being to orbit the Earth, Yuri Gagarin became a national hero and a celebrity around the world. Nikita Khrushchev awarded him Hero of the Soviet Union.
He travelled quite a lot after this around Europe and visited the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Brazil and Japan among others.
In 1962 Yuri Gagarin was elected to serve as Deputy to the Soviet of the Union. In 12 June of the same year, he was also promoted to lieutenant colonel, and in 1963 then to colonel.
During this time Gagarin was the backup pilot for Vladimir Komarov. But after the Soyuz 1 crash where Komarov was killed the authorities banning Gagarin from further space flight missions due to concerns about losing a national hero in just such an accident.
Yuri Gagarin became a deputy training director at Star City on 20 December 1963 and in 1966 he began training to re-qualify as a fighter pilot. On 27 March 1968, during a training flight, the MiG-15 in which he and his flight instructor Vladimir Seryogin were travelling crashed near to the town of Kirzhach and both men were killed. The bodies of both pilots were cremated and they are buried in the walls of the Kremlin in Moscow.
The cause of the crash still remains somewhat of a mystery. Some have blamed a combination of errors by ground crew and air traffic controllers whilst a more prominent theory in recent years involves a near miss with another aircraft, which caused Gagarin’s MiG to enter an uncontrollable spiral dive.
Since 1962, 12 April, the date he flew into space was celebrated in the Soviet Union as Cosmonautics Day.
In 1968 the town of Gzhatsk where he grew up after the war was also renamed. It is now simply called Gagarin in his honour of its hero.
I see Earth! It is so beautiful! – Yuri Gagarin
First words ever spoken by a human leaving Earth for outer space: Let’s go!

Конкурс Чтецов на немецком языке

Сегодня в рамках Недели языкознания прошёл Конкурс Чтецов на немецком языке среди студенток 3 курса. В Конкурсе приняли участие 8 девушек, каждая из них получила задание прочитать электронное письмо от гостя отеля. Это была отличная возможность показать свои знания и умения. В ходе проведения конкурса были определены самые талантливые, артистичные чтецы. 

1 место – Горева Юлия
2 место – Вьюгова Анна
3 место – Бакуменко Александра
4 место – Шологон Дарья
5 место – Кондрина Дарья, Дивеева Ксения
6 место – Мышкина Александра
7 место – Сухомолова Дарья


10 апреля 2023 г.

  Предметные олимпиады - одна из форм работы с одаренными студентами. Они помогают решать целый ряд важных задач по развитию и воспитанию. Олимпиады не только способствуют выявлению одарённых студентов, но и позволяют правильно сориентировать их в дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности.
 Ежегодно студенты нашего колледжа принимают участие в Международной Дистанционной Олимпиаде по английскому языку на сайте "Инфоурок". Этот год не стал исключением - 36 студентов первого и второго курсов решили олимпиадные задания. Будем ждать результатов!
   Хочется отметить, что в олимпиадах участвуют не только отличники, но и не «сильные» студенты. Очень важно предоставить шанс любому обучающемуся, который изъявил желание проявить себя. Участие в олимпиадах студентов с невысокой успеваемостью повышает интерес к предмету, мотивирует на процесс обучения.

ВЕСНА 2023
20 марта — 16 мая
Получение заданий и внесение ответов
17 мая
Предварительные результаты
23 мая
Подведение итогов и наградные

7 апреля 2023 г.

Внимание Неделя Языкознания

Неделя Языкознания

с 10 апреля по 14 апреля


Открытие недели языкознания

Дистанционная олимпиада Весна 2023

Иностранный язык (1 и 2 курсы)

Русский язык (1 и 2 курсы)


Видео-презентация "About yourself" 

Литературная дистанционная викторина (1 курсы)


Конкурс Чтецов на немецком языке (3 курс)

Дистанционная викторина "Знатоки русского языка" (1 и 2 курсы)


Дистанционная викторины по английскому языку

"Великобритания" (1 курсы)

"Театр" (21-ЛЛХ)

"В отеле" (22-ГД, 32-ГД)

"Олимпийские игры" (23-ТОР)

"Мир животных" (31-ЛЛХ)


Подведение итогов

Закрытие недели языкознания

Преподаватели иностранных языков

Булкина Т.А., Воронина М.В.

Преподаватель русского языка и литературы

Даровских Г.А.

27 февраля 2023 г.

Sights of Russia

Moscow's sights
The Moscow Kremlin

This is the very heart of Moscow with a rich history, housing the tsars’ residences for centuries (before Peter the Great moved it to St. Petersburg). The most remarkable things to see inside the Kremlin are the Tsar Cannon, Tsar Bell, beautiful cathedrals where the tsars were crowned and later buried - and the Soviet era Kremlin Palace (former Palace of Congresses).

Red Square and St. Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow

Red Square, which is next to the Kremlin, is probably the most recognisable place in Russia for people around the world, especially St. Basil’s Cathedral and Lenin's Mausoleum. ‘Red’ meant ‘beautiful’ in the old Russian language, so this name says more than words.

Christ the Savior Cathedral
This church has a very tragic fate and symbolises all of Russian history in the 20th century. Built in the mid 19th century in the Byzantine style, it was demolished by the Soviet authorities in 1931. A swimming pool was built on this location, but in the 1990s the cathedral was rebuilt, and today it’s the main house of worship of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow
This was the main venue of the legendary Summer Olympic Games in 1980, and many remember how the Olympic mascot, Mishka the bear, flew away into the sky above the stadium. Russians are nostalgic for The Games, as it was marked by unforgettable festivities, and because for the first time they saw foreigners.

Stalin’s ‘Seven Sisters’ skyscrapers, Moscow
Now (heart)breaking news - no one in Russia calls them ‘seven sisters’ - they are just vysotki (высотки, literally ‘tall buildings’). The rare Muscovite will be able to tell which one houses which institution from the first try; but without a doubt, they know the one that is home to Moscow State University.

24 февраля 2023 г.

Sights of Russia

Vyborg is located in Leningrad region on the Karelian Isthmus at the distance of 130 km to the northwest of St. Petersburg, close to the Russian border with Finland. The historical centre of the town is formed by the Castle of Vyborg and other historical buildings of different architectural styles.
The Castle of Vyborg
The first castle was constructed in 1293 after the Swedish army conquered the Karelian Isthmus. The construction of the fortress was started under the command of Torkel Knutsson, the Lord High Constable of Sweden who was the leader of the so-called crusade to conquer Karelia in 1290. He chose the location for a new fortress to keep the Bay of Vyborg, which was a very important trading site used by the local people since a long time.
The Castle served as the stronghold of the Swedish kingdom in Karelian regions. Throughout the centuries, it was the first defensive point of the kingdom against Russians.
In the 16th century, the fortress was renovated and new parts were added. In the 17th century, the military significance of the fortress started to decrease because the danger from the Russian kingdom was not serious and the border was much more eastwards.
Vyborg was taken by the Russians in 1710 during the Northern War and became a part of Finland again only in 1812 when all areas of Old Finland were added to the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland. The appearance of the present castle dates back to the 1890s, when much restoration was implemented. The military services of the Russian Empire used the castle until 1918 for housing administration.

20 февраля 2023 г.

Sights of Russia

The Swallow's Nest (Lastochkino Gnezdo)

This miniature neo-gothic castle is perched on the steep Avrora Cliff in southern Crimea. A structure called the "Swallow's Nest" because of its miniature dimensions (10 meters wide, 20 meters long, and 12 meters high) and location was built in 1912 based on the design of architect Leonid Sherwood. The castle’s history spans more than a century during which it has gone through several owners and even survived an earthquake. It initially belonged to German industrialist Vladimir Shteyngel. At the beginning of World War I, the new owner opened a restaurant here. In the 1930s, the structure was deemed unsafe and shut down. It was only 30 years later that reconstruction of the building began.

14 февраля 2023 г.

Sights of Russia

Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal in the southern part of Eastern Siberia is a unique natural site that is 25 million years old. It's the oldest freshwater body on Earth and the deepest lake in the world. Baikal is the biggest lake in Russia. It contains 20% of the world's fresh water. The water in Baikal is completely transparent, and some objects can be seen at depths of up to 40 meters. Its flora and fauna consist of thousands of species and varieties of plants and animals, three quarters of which cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The incredible beauty of the lake and its surroundings with numerous picturesque bays and amazing cliffs attracts tourists from all over Russia and every corner of the world. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Russia.

6 февраля 2023 г.

Sights of Russia

White-Stone Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal

These are among the most ancient Russian cities that were at the helm of the old-Russian Vladimir-Suzdal principality in the 12th and 13th centuries and which still preserve some unique architectural and artistic features you won't find anywhere else. These features include masonry from white limestone, refined proportions, exquisite stone carving, and an exterior "lightness" of the buildings that all blend in with the surrounding landscape. The Uspensky and Dmitrievsky cathedrals in Vladimir, the Golden Gates, Cathedral of the Nativity in Suzdal, and the bishop's chambers in the Suzdal Kremlin, Spaso-Evfimiyev and Pokrovsky monasteries are the most prominent examples of this architectural style.

27 января 2023 г.

Sights of Russia

Lena Pillars

The Lena Pillars are vertical rock formations that stretch 40 kilometres along the banks of the Lena River in Yakutia. They date back to the early Cambrian period (530 million years ago). From afar they appear to form a solid wall that descends into the river. Harsh yet magnificent, their incredible beauty is truly mesmerising.

Solovetsky Islands

The Solovetsky Archipelago includes six islands with a total area of 300 sq. km and is located in the White Sea, 250 km from Arkhangelsk. This area is rich in archaeological monuments, the oldest of which date back to the 2nd and 3rd millennia BC. One of the main sights here is the Solovetsky Monastery, which was established in the first half of the 15th century. In the early 20th century, this centuries-old citadel of Orthodoxy was converted into a camp for political prisoners that existed until 1939. It was only in the nineties that monastic life resumed here. The Solovetsky Archipelago, which is now a historical and cultural reserve, is fascinating not only because of its dramatic history, but also because of its unusual landscape, including hills, lakes, and gullies. 

23 января 2023 г.

Sights of Russia

There are many interesting places in Russia: monuments, museums, which are situated in provinces, where creative and talented people live.

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

This is a symbol of the whole country, not just Moscow. The Kremlin is the oldest part of the city where Grand Prince Yury Dolgorukiy built a fortress that was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1147. The Kremlin houses a complex of 15th-19th-century buildings, including the Grand Kremlin Palace, Armory Chamber, the Senate, the current official residence of the Russian president, churches, and examples of Russian cast work such as the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell. Red Square, which dates back to the 14th century, is home to Saint Basil's Cathedral, the State Historical Museum, and the Lenin Mausoleum, the resting place of Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.
Historical Centre of Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, primarily due to its unique architecture. Its historical centre and suburbs are known throughout the world for their outstanding architectural monuments, with palaces and cathedrals built by Russian and Italian masters from the 18th and 19th centuries. Must-see sights include the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Kunstkammer Museum, Peter I's Summer Palace, the Winter Palace, Smolny Monastery, the Hermitage, the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Arts, the Marble Palace, the Taurida Palace, the Anichkov Palace, the Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, Palace Square, and Nevsky Prospect.
In addition to the historical centre of Saint Petersburg, UNESCO also protects palaces and parks in its suburbs, with the palace in Peterhof arguably the most magnificent of them all.

16 января 2023 г.

Attractions in Nizhny Novgorod

Galileo Park


The pavilion of more than 1000 m2: interactive exhibits, optical illusions, amazing musical instruments, the mysterious mirror, the room with the broken gravity, intricate mazes, unexpected photo zone and much more. You’ll feel a dwarf and a giant, learn to play the water pipes, play on the strings of invisible harps, create your own world.
The area: Kazanskoye Hwy., 11, Nizhny Novgorod 603163 Russia

Rukavishnikovykh Usadba

I belive it is one of the most beautiful building in Nizhnyj Novgorod. Each room is decorated in different style and in each room is expozition, but the most interesting is the building itself. You have to wear shoe cover there, so take closed shoes, because the covers are daily used by many visitors. Visit costs 200 rub, foto is free. I spend there Aproximately 1,5 hour. There is quite a lot of people.
The area: Verkhne-Volzhskaya Emb., 7, Nizhny Novgorod 603005 Russia

Kashirin House (Maxim Gorky Childhood Museum)

Well, even if you got no idea of who Maxim Gorky was and why the city was bearing his name for quite a while under the soviets, it`s still worth visiting especially with children or teens, to see how people actually lived in this area somewhere in early 19th century, it`s a wooden house of Max Gorky grandad, an owner of a dye house which was the their family business at that time, a modest if not poor wooden house with well-preserved interior will tell you things you can`t really grasp from books, since you need a picture - life was hard, and there you see how hard it was, which makes us understand why a little boy Maxim, grown in this kind of environment had such a passion for books, education and social changes later in life.
The area: Kashirin House ul. Pochtovyy S'Ezd d. 21, Nizhny Novgorod 603109 Russia